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Content writing

Content writing is the bread and butter of my passion. Research and the written word. I can write blog and social media posts for all demographics -- from children to the elderly -- under a variety of topics.​



 What is content writing? 


While copy directs your customers directly to an action (subscribing, buying, learning more, etc.), content is strictly to entertain and inform. If it inspires your audience to buy? That's just an added benefit.


It encompasses researched blogs, opinion pieces, articles, listicles, social media posts, and a lot more -- content has a far reach.


If you're looking for someone to take care of the content on your social media accounts, blog, or digital media site, you've come to the right place!


Contact me now to start the conversation.

 What is the process? 


Register your interest and I'll give you a form to fill out that outlines:

  • the type of content you need

  • the length of the content

  • the topic/how much research is required

  • SEO key words needed

  • timelines


Then I'll send you a quote and get started when it's all been confirmed. With open communication throughout the whole process, you're sure to get exactly what you're looking for.

And the cost?


Most content will currently cost £0.05/word.


However, there are exceptions, which will be outlined in the quote sent to you, so it's best to get in contact before you start budgeting!


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